The Fool
If I had to choose one tarot card that most represents myself it would have to be The Fool. I’ve always gone where the wind blows. I am the adventure seeker. For the past few years, I’ve had to wind down a bit (pun intended). It’s time to let curiosity flow through me again.
The first reading I ever had was back in 2012. The Fool was the first card I ever saw. I remember being super scared going into the reading because I was raised to think tarot cards are evil and a gateway to Hell. I’ve enlightened myself since then and I’m pretty sure we’re ok!
That initial reading changed my life. I began to see the world completely differently that day. Long story short, after hours of what I can only identify as supernatural guidance, I was given my first tarot deck. For years I would give myself personal readings and at least 95% of the time The Fool would appear.
In 2015 I saw The Fool in a reading for myself when I started dating my now-husband. The reading confirmed that our relationship was indeed where the wind was blowing and that it was time to take a big leap of faith and trust the unknown. I couldn’t be happier.
I have not seen The Fool since… until today. The wind is calling. It is time to take another leap of faith and trust that the wind will always lead me to where I am meant to be. So here we go! I hope you will join me on this exciting new adventure into the unknown!